A Remarkable Thing Happened On St. Paddy’s Day

Nine years ago on the eve of St. Paddy’s Day, a blizzard battered our old farmhouse, and rattled the windows. Harley and I bundled up, climbed into our cold car and drove slowly - barely able to see …
I’ll Show You What’s Under The Blanket

My Mumsey told me that this happened to her in Liverpool England—
“One time when I was riding on the bus, I sat across the aisle from a worried looking mother clutching the shoulders of her young boy. …
What The Fortuneteller Told Me

For my fiftieth birthday (many years ago), my dear friend Judy gave me an intriguing present - a session with a fortuneteller who lived in Groton NY. The thirty-mile drive on icy roads to her trailer …
I Must Be One Neurotic Weirdo

About ten years ago, still recovering but cancer free, I sat in a hot muggy little bar, whacking my snare drum during a gig with our band Toivo. We were playing a lively Tex-Mex tune, but I felt …
She Embarrassed The Hell Out Of Me

Because I was a brat and my parents couldn’t take my nonsense anymore, I was sent away in the middle of eleventh grade to the Cambridge School of Weston, a co-ed boarding school near Boston …
OK I’ll Tell You The Dirty Joke

My Mumsey was a strange mix – very proper, a bit of a snob, smart, extremely liberal, outrageous, funny, annoying, kind, silly, generous, and great at telling dirty jokes that often made her laugh so …
I Called My Mother A Douche Bag

I was in ninth grade, age fourteen, and I got in a silly argument with my Mumsey. So, I tried out the latest obnoxious thing I had learned from some older kids. I called her a douche bag. My father …
Thanks To My Own Stupidity I Nearly Died From Cancer

Around ten years ago, I became extremely weak and coughed so hard for months that it felt like I might turn inside out. I thought I had pneumonia. My doctor thought I had cancer. It turned out I had …
This Is The First Blog Of My Life

This is the first time in my life I will be posting a Blog. My Blog will be an introduction to my art and my writing. I was told I should write a Blog to let people know about my new illustrated …

The Whore Next Door is a memoir consisting of 106 short chapters – each accompanied by an original watercolor painting. It is slightly shocking, but not pornographic.